Colton-Nicholville 3

Central New York

National Grid’s Colton-Nicholville 3 project will rebuild an approximately 18.3-mile 115kV electric transmission line between Pierrepont and Lawrence.

Colton-Nicholville 3

Central New York

National Grid’s Colton-Nicholville 3 project will rebuild an approximately 18.3-mile 115kV electric transmission line between Pierrepont and Lawrence.

Project Quick Facts

  • Colton-Nicholville 3 serves St. Lawrence County and travels through the towns of Hopkinton, Lawrence, Parishville, and Pierrepont.
  • The project will replace existing 115kV wire and structures in the right-of-way. Additional easements may be needed for the construction and operation of the line.
  • Also included are access roads upgrades, and technologies to improve response time and decrease maintenance costs.

Current Activities

The project is currently in its survey and design phase, and fieldwork along the transmission corridor continues. Geotechnical investigations (soil borings) and an in-person review of the right of way are planned for summer 2024. Sites for potential construction yards (marshalling or laydown yards) are also being evaluated.

Permitting and Participation

This project will require Article VII permitting to proceed. National Grid submitted the Article VII Application to the Public Service Commission (PSC) on June 24, 2024. Copies of the Application were provided to officials, regulators, agencies, project abutters, and public repositories such as town halls and libraries. The Application is also available on the PSC website. For more information about permitting, please see our Project FAQ page.

The permitting process includes opportunities for public involvement and comment from permitting through construction. To contact National Grid with a question or comment, you may reach us by phone at 800-358-2937 or [email protected].

Interested persons who wish to participate as parties in this case may file for party status. This may be done through the Commission’s website. 



  • Design & Permitting: Fall 2023-Winter 2025
  • Anticipated Construction Start: Winter 2026
  • Anticipated Construction End: Spring 2027